what do you get when you take a little girl from korea, adopt her at 5 months, and raise her in a white family?
me. here are my profound thoughts. enjoy them.

Monday, October 18, 2004

the infamous job search begins..

this is called posting a resume with no experience 101. first lets talk about the defeating process called posting a resume. in my ideal world i could just click the button and my resume could be put on a job search website for employers to laugh at..i mean, read and be impressed with. i quickly learned that my ideal world doesnt exist except for the laughing at part...thats probably more real than i would like to believe. so the process includes first choosing general fields that youre interested to narrow down things. well, cool. i dont have fields in mind so i just choose some that seem feasible..in other words i didnt choose engineering, finance, or manufacturing. so then it asks...out of the chosen fields please specify the amount of experience you have. awesome..let me go ahead and put a big zero in the years and months slots. that is going to be tempting to pass up when employers see that, huh? too bad they didnt have slot for...experience at heb...i could have put an impressive 'third of my life' in that one. oh...then..when youre posting a resume you get to make up a catchy title for it. for example...professional blah blah or executive etc.. so then its my turn..hmm...unexperienced college grad? oh wait, i should definitely specify that im an unexperienced sociology grad bc i just know everyone is just itching to find them a sociology major. so basically...any hope i had of ever finding a job was quickly lost today. not that i thought it was going to be easy. i just predicted things like interviewing and stuff like that would be a little more challenging than posting a resume on the internet...


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