what do you get when you take a little girl from korea, adopt her at 5 months, and raise her in a white family?
me. here are my profound thoughts. enjoy them.

Monday, April 25, 2005

boring boring boring

i just fell asleep at work...i was sneaky though...i had a brochure open on my desk and my arm propped up so it looked like i was reading it...so yes, i kinda planned the sleeping but im just soo tired!

its 1115 and i have not done ONE work related thing since i got here at 815...maybe its time to start looking for another job in my free time...

plus i just found out that charlie mars is playing in austin on may 25th at antones. he's one of my new favorite artists - definitely check him out if youve never heard of him. but anyways, i CANT go bc ill freaking be in D.C. for our stupid national meeting for work. thats SO annoying - i wish i didnt about the show now. and this stupid work trip to D.C. - yeah im sure its a great place and all but having to spend 4 days straight there with a bunch of old people from work? not so great. so now im bummed...


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