im so famous
so on sunday i went running up the road at brushy creek park that has a lake and lots of running trails - its pretty great. the end of my run i sometimes like to 'sprint' just to get all my energy out and really feel like i worked, rielly says sprints are the answer to everything so maybe im seeing if theres any truth to that.
so on 'sprinting' and next thing i know, this lady is taking a picture of me! it was so weird...she took it when i was about 25 feet away from her and when i ran past her i definitely didnt make eye contact bc it was such a strange here are my guesses as to what the picture was for:
*she needed a picture to go along with an article she's writing entitled, "how out of shape are you? and should you be sweating this much?"
*she needed a pic to go along with an article she's writing entitled, "brushy creek area boasts diversity..look, shes asian!"
*she needed a pic to go along with an article she's writing entitled, "ipod sales soar as customers realize the greatness of this running companion"
*she has a real cute, christian, single, 20something son/nephew/grandson who is looking for a girlfriend and she thought i was just his type so she decided to take a pic of me to show him
ok i realize my final thought was a little far fetched...but YOU NEVER KNOW!!!
anyways...maybe she was just trying to waste film so that she could go get her pictures developed...regardless, i felt famous for like point 2 seconds and thought i would share...and if i happen to show up on the cover of runner's world, could you let me know? thanks.
so on 'sprinting' and next thing i know, this lady is taking a picture of me! it was so weird...she took it when i was about 25 feet away from her and when i ran past her i definitely didnt make eye contact bc it was such a strange here are my guesses as to what the picture was for:
*she needed a picture to go along with an article she's writing entitled, "how out of shape are you? and should you be sweating this much?"
*she needed a pic to go along with an article she's writing entitled, "brushy creek area boasts diversity..look, shes asian!"
*she needed a pic to go along with an article she's writing entitled, "ipod sales soar as customers realize the greatness of this running companion"
*she has a real cute, christian, single, 20something son/nephew/grandson who is looking for a girlfriend and she thought i was just his type so she decided to take a pic of me to show him
ok i realize my final thought was a little far fetched...but YOU NEVER KNOW!!!
anyways...maybe she was just trying to waste film so that she could go get her pictures developed...regardless, i felt famous for like point 2 seconds and thought i would share...and if i happen to show up on the cover of runner's world, could you let me know? thanks.
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