what do you get when you take a little girl from korea, adopt her at 5 months, and raise her in a white family?
me. here are my profound thoughts. enjoy them.
too good to pass up
as i was checking the scores from tonites games, i stumbled across some pictures that are up on the nba.com website. i just couldnt go without sharing this one bc i thought it was real funny. maybe its just me but i never would think steve nash to be the GQ type....but here is his best effort... i dont know what i find to be the best part. maybe its the hair....or what looks to be leather pants...the flowy jacket...the studded belt...or the fact that he's leaning oh so seductively against a pile of stacked pieces of plywood or something. if you want to see more from the photo shoot, and i know you do, you can go here and read the article and everything.
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