what do you get when you take a little girl from korea, adopt her at 5 months, and raise her in a white family?
me. here are my profound thoughts. enjoy them.
some pictures
let me tell you the background story on this one. while ck and i were kayaking we ran into these guys. notice the guys actually in the raft are kickin back...relaxing. meanwhile, who we guessed to be a little brother, was outside of the raft, in the water, kicking in order to propel the raft forwards. and at one point, ck and i were so tired of kayaking in circles that we were tempted to ask him what his going rate was...
me and ck on town lake. kayaking is great. look how much fun we're having!
easter is approaching and peeps are out!!!! i love me some peeps. and what better than peeps than a peeps pen! yep, i paid money for that. its so cute though...makes my workday a little more enjoyable
here is my diploma. nicely framed and on my wall in my office. and although i am proud that i graduated from college...having this diploma on my wall in my office is somewhat a joke. most of the people i work with have like 12 initials that follow their name like PhD, MD, MPH...blah blah blah....theyre like real smart. me...i have a bachelor of arts in sociology which by the way, has absolutely NOTHING to do with my job. its on the same wall as my door so really the only person that sees it is me unless someone comes into my office. it rarely happens but when they leave and see it, its kinda amusing for all. so at least its not collecting dust on my bedroom floor anymore..
and this is my niece ellie. i feel like it's important that i remind everyone of her cuteness once in a while. easter is in a few weekends so be prepared for some super cute pics involving easter dresses, hats, bunnies, bows, and such.
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