what do you get when you take a little girl from korea, adopt her at 5 months, and raise her in a white family?
me. here are my profound thoughts. enjoy them.

Monday, August 28, 2006


well today started the first day of job searching. not too bad. ive found a couple things here and there and sent off my resume. i tried to tweak my resume to sound super fantastic but soon realized that its difficult when i have heb and the med institute - how different could those be?? but anyways, job searching is tedious and stressful but worth it in the end. at least that's what im telling myself. anything to get out of the not so great place im at now. and i told my boss, or rather my ex boss (the one i like and will miss greatly) that im looking for a new job. dont know if thats unprofessional but we're just as much friends as co-workers so i figured it was ok. plus, i wanted to use her as a reference so i figured i should tell her before she starts getting calls and figures it out herself. not suprisingly she wasn't shocked at all when i told her. she knows that the new changes have turned this job into exactly what i detest and hates that im so unhappy and she cant fix it. so it was actually good to talk to her about it in a way and now she can prepare herself for my inevitable departure. haha..just kidding...i wont be missed that much.

so..onto more exciting things. i am loving my new home. and the fact that it's an actual house makes it even better. we finished up a lot of odds and ends this weekend and im feeling very settled. we get our internet set up on wed so ill have pics posted soon after that...i dont have it in me to do it now at starbucks, sorry. but anyways, things i love about the new house: i have a ceiling fan in my room! yes, i realize this isnt necessarily a luxury but you'd be surprised how many apts and townhomes don't actually have these in bedrooms. it makes a world of a difference. there are tons of windows which provides a plethora of natural light. natural light makes me happy. i felt like i lived in a cave in my last apt. not happy. our living and dining rooms have beautiful hardwood floors. mmm. i have so much storage!!! my last apt. didnt even have a hall closet. i now have a garage, an attic, a laundry room, a hall closet, and shelves everywhere!! yes, im getting excited about shelving. you know the saying, "you dont know what you've got till its gone"? well, this is more like "you dont know what you've missed until you have it!!" theres lots of other great things about the house as well but maybe you can just see that from pics later...or come visit! if i know you, that is ;)

well my computer is about to lose power so im gonna have to finish up. ill be better about this after we get internet in the casa, i promise.


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