what do you get when you take a little girl from korea, adopt her at 5 months, and raise her in a white family?
me. here are my profound thoughts. enjoy them.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

food is good

so i read or heard somewhere that austin has the most restaurants per capita sq ft...or something like that - that doesnt really sound like the correct order of words for that sentence but basically im saying that austin has a whole heck of a lot of places to eat. but you know how you always feel like you eat at the same places all the time? or when you're trying to figure out where you want to eat, you just cant think of a place that sounds good? or maybe this is just a dilemna i face since im one of the most indecisive individuals in the world.

therefore, it's time to put an end to this. how so you ask? well, i put together a list of restaurants i've never been to but want to try. and the list is long. but it's super exciting to me because im real passionate about food and im hoping this will help to solve the "picking out a restaurant" problem.

last nite my roomie and i went to a place called hoover's. known for it's home cooking appeal complete with very generous portions and a long list of "comfort" foods to choose from. my rating? 8.9 out of 10. our waiter christian was super nice and when we were wondering about a side dish he actually brought us out samples to try! the food was great from beginning to end and they had some tempting desserts but we were way too full to get any. maybe next time...because yes, there will be a next time. it's on manor road in case you're wanting to give it a try.

i'll keep you updated as i make my taste tour of austin. oh, and if you have any suggestions please tell me - i'm thinking that for every one rest. i cross off, i'll probably add two more to try.


Blogger malita said...

this is a big step for a native Austinite - maybe you can influence others that have lived here since birth and not ventured outside their hood - mmmm hoover's mac & cheese!!!

11:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dots Place- best food hands down

4:30 PM  

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