working out is dangerous
i go to a kickboxing class at my gym. it's sweet. billy blanks teaches it. no, that's a lie. but this completely ripped out woman does and i think she could give billy a run for his money. anyways, she has a following and this class is packed out week after week. especially the last couple of months bc everyone has their resolutions of getting hot and so they become super worker-outers. and it's annoying to us class regulars bc it just makes it dang crowded. and by crowded i mean that there is on average about 115 people in a room that would comfortably hold 75. and it's kickboxing so there's a lot of moving around...flailing of arms and legs. well, on tuesday it was a normal freakishly packed in crowd and "suz," the instructor, made a joke about it being a non-contact class. in other words, try not to kick and punch your neighbor; watch where you're going and where your arms and feet are ending up.
ironically enough, i get kicked. TWICE. by two different people. good gosh people, im trying hard enough to keep track of where my own foot is going..i can't be looking around to see where yours are. the first time my hand got kicked...not too bad. second shoulder. i gotta admit though...that's almost impressive.
regardless, i'm going to be a little more on guard in class now. and next time someone kicks me, im just gonna kick em back. not really. well...i can't promise anything.
ironically enough, i get kicked. TWICE. by two different people. good gosh people, im trying hard enough to keep track of where my own foot is going..i can't be looking around to see where yours are. the first time my hand got kicked...not too bad. second shoulder. i gotta admit though...that's almost impressive.
regardless, i'm going to be a little more on guard in class now. and next time someone kicks me, im just gonna kick em back. not really. well...i can't promise anything.
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