what do you get when you take a little girl from korea, adopt her at 5 months, and raise her in a white family?
me. here are my profound thoughts. enjoy them.
if you checked out my nyc pics then you might be wondering what the rollerskating pics are about. well, theres evidently some roller skating association or club or something (no lie, they have a real name and stuff). anyhoo...they go to central park...not sure how often...my guess is weekly...and they set up music and speakers and skate/dance. yes, its like a random dance party except everyone is on roller skates! needless to say, it's awesome and i probably could have watched for hours. it was hard for me and petie to not go out and start dancing despite being rollerskateless. so there ya go..in case you were wondering if i just had some random fascination with rollerskaters.
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