what do you get when you take a little girl from korea, adopt her at 5 months, and raise her in a white family?
me. here are my profound thoughts. enjoy them.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

mmm coookies...

today is day 3 of training at tiff's treats. im loving it. smelling cookies all day is wonderful! today is driving training though and im a little more scared of that and i think people that know my navigation skills are a little scared for me too. but im determined it's going to be fine and if anything, probably worth a few good stories for you. but yeah, it's kinda weird being back at a job but i like it. helps fill my days a bit and having a steady paycheck will be fantastic.

in other news. it's official. my photography will be up in the northwest kerbey lane cafe in november so if you live in austin you should go there during the month and check it out! im super excited. :)

and the photography exhibition i mentioned is going to be at dominican joe coffee shop on south congress on november 3rd. it will showcase a handful of photographers and should be a fun, laid back event. id love for you to come by and say hi!

did a wedding this past weekend in houston and it was wonderful. i had actually started to not love doing weddings for various reasons so ill admit i went into the wedding weekend less than enthusiastic. however, val and damon had a great wedding, super fun guests, and the setting and weather was perfect. i am pleased with the pictures thus far and have a refreshed view on weddings, so thank you val and damon! hopefully ill post some pictures from that soon!

thats about it...can you believe its already october? and did you hear about the cold front coming in? yesssss.


Blogger Michelle said...

Congrats on the Exhibit! Good luck today driving!

9:23 AM  
Blogger Linds said...

Aw, now I want to to go Kerbey for more than just the queso! Wish I could see them up! :)

8:29 PM  

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