what do you get when you take a little girl from korea, adopt her at 5 months, and raise her in a white family?
me. here are my profound thoughts. enjoy them.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


i love me some good tv. whether it's a well written drama or trashy reality junk, i'm probably watching it. one of my favorites however is rob and big. you can't watch this 30 minute treasure and not laugh out loud multiple times. in fact it's not uncommon for me to laugh until tears come. with that said, watch this and hopefully be entertained. i think some of the humor stems from the fact that you know that at some point in your life you've done this...you know you have that favorite song by the not cool artist that you know all the words to and do dance moves to. no? just me? dangit...


Blogger ellen said...

Celine Dion - Because You Loved Me

12:04 PM  

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